The dust bag
is called the heart of the bag dust collector, usually a dust bag or a dust filter bag. Dust bag is a key part in the operation of bag dust collector. Usually cylindrical filter bags are hung vertically in the dust collector. Structural design of dust removal bags, dust removal bags are generally divided into pulse dust removal filter bags, vibration type dust removal bags, and backflush dust removal bags according to different dust removal methods. Depending on the shape, there are round bag type, flat bag type, and envelope type. Dust removal bags also have different bag mouth and bag bottom designs to choose from.
The fabric and design of dust bag
should be as efficient as possible, easy to remove dust and durable. The selection of dust bag is very important. It directly affects the dust removal effect of the dust collector. The selection of dust bag should be based on the following aspects: temperature, humidity and chemical properties of the gas, particle size, dust concentration, filtration wind speed, Factors such as dust cleaning methods.
Dust removal bags
are often used in flue gas control and dust removal systems in iron plants, steel plants, ferroalloy plants, refractory plants, foundries, power plants, etc. Flue gas filtration for waste incinerators, coal-fired boilers, fluidized bed boilers, etc. Asphalt concrete mixing, building materials, cement ceramics, lime, gypsum and other production sites. Aluminum electrolysis, smelting flue gas filtration of lead, tin, zinc, copper and other rare metals, fine material recovery, liquid and solid separation. Liquid-solid separation and fine material recovery in chemical industry, coke, carbon black, dyes, pharmaceuticals, plastics and other fields. Dust control and purification collection in mining, grain processing, flour, electronics industry, wood processing, etc.
In addition to the production of complete dust removal machines, Tianrun Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. also produces supporting dust removal accessories and other products, such as electromagnetic pulse valves, solenoid valve diaphragms, dust removal bags, dust removal skeletons, and pulse controllers.
Dust removal bags are made of complete materials and high quality dust removal bags are sold directly by Tianrun